Lead Renovator, Repair, & Painting Initial
As of April 2010, anyone who performs renovations, repair, or
painting in pre-1978 housing or child-occupied facilities must be
EPA Lead-Safe Certified. Individuals and firms that are not certified
could face fines of up to $30,000 a day! In this 1-day (8-hour) class,
you’ll receive hands-on training and real-world examples from
experienced instructors to ensure you gain the skills and knowledge
you need to become certified.
Class fee: $320 Recertification: Every 3 Years

Lead Renovator, Repair, & Painting Refresher
Certified lead paint renovators are required to take this half-day (4-
hour) refresher course every 3 years to renew their certification.
Class fee: $200 Recertification: Every 3 Years

Lead Inspector Initial
Learn how to determine whether or not lead-based paint or other
lead hazards are present in sufficient quantities to require
abatement according to regulatory guidelines in this 3-day (24-
hour) course. Also develop an understanding of the advantages and
limitations of a variety of lead paint inspection techniques, along
with methods of implementation.
Class fee: $620 Recertification: Every 3 Years

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